Wednesday, 4 June 2008

The Dark Wood

I have felt compelled to begin this blog as a distraction from the overwhelming, non specific sensation of impending doom which I feel, to some extent, on a pretty much constant basis. Catharsis is not something to which I readily subscribe, but I've met many who have found an outlet in their diary keeping, painting, kicking dogs and the like. To us futuristic cybermonkeys the term melancholia might be most closely synonymous with depression or dysthmia. I claim neither of these labels, nor an excess of bile (black or otherwise), merely that as part of the human experience there is, inevitably, the sense that all is not well, in fact all is pretty much far from well. This isn't to say that good does not exist, how can there be darkness without the light by which to compare it? But that's not why we're here is it? As Denis Leary says: "Life sucks, get a helmet"