Wednesday, 21 December 2011

unreserved apology

Dear Tinfoilhatlady,

Some time ago I sent a series of communications to you via your YouTube account, which I imagine you do not remember, but I remind you caused you some degree of offense at the time. Although my position on your publically available opinions stand, my conduct in expressing my thoughts was both confrontational, for which I do not apologise, but also rude and impudent, for which I very much do. For yourself you took the measure of blocking me from communication, which I feel was warranted, and remained polite and courteous in your dealings with me. If there is any defence at all, which I would say is undermined by the manner in which it was argued, is that I feel very strongly about many of the things of which you speak. This is no excuse for bad behaviour, do not misunderstand me, but I have exceptional prejudice concerning the propagation of ignorance and credulity. I fear that is the sort of thing which you speak of. I may very well be wrong and I would be delighted to be proven so. I have two short positions to offer to close. Firstly, that I think that it reasonable to refute positions that require a prior acceptance of their truth. Secondly that selective biases of information leads to errors.

Good evening,


Sunday, 18 December 2011


Christopher Hitchens is with Jesus now. Aged 62 he died of pneumonia, he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2010. Loved the booze and fags, frighteningly clever.

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Maddness of Institutions

The only thing worse than being able to lock somebody away is the sense of loss when you are forced to let them go. The only reason that you even did it in the first place was that you knew better, and now, for what ever reason, they have won their freedom. If they knew how to keep themselves free then I would suppose that they should remain free. But they do not. Ones also come and ask to be locked away. Locked away they are not, instead they make a wedge of themselves and enter into confinement. Content they appear, their jailers trapped.

"Freedom?" a jailer offers.
"Not today, maybe the next day" comes the reply.
"But your place is needed for one who does not wish to be here, his wishing not to be here indicating his need" answers the jailer.
"I know this man's hurts" says the inmate "and they are my own. This poor soul must surely be with us, but I cannot go from here".
"What of the warden?" asks the jailer.
"What of him?" asks the jailed.
"He will send you from here and you shall be alone"
"Should I find myself alone then I must face my end"
"How so?"
"My own hand. I have felt in my heart for many years that I have no reason. The loss of your love will surely be enough"

The warden comes. He wears heavy boots and a blue uniform. One side of his body is a different colour from the other.

"It's time for your medication"
"Just get it down you sunshine, I've been here a long time and trust me, some of these so called doctors are fucking mad men. It's better not to piss them off, look around you, do you want to end up like these poor fuckers?"

Thursday, 31 March 2011


This is my favorite song to dance to...


Opps, a FRAUDIAN SLIP, sorry!

Oh go and fuck yourself.

What is funny though is this:

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Sigmund Freud

Or: "I'm not bent. If anything you're bent for thinking it" - Sigmund Freud

Whatever, he probably didn't even say it. Too busy cutting up dolls, snorting coke and wanking I should think. Fucking legend.


"It's said that science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers. That's false, tragically false. Look for yourself. This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance, it was done by dogma, it was done by ignorance. When people believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, this is how they behave. This is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods."

Jacob Bronowski, quoted above, asserts his view that the conception of organised violence, the genesis of war, occurred when nomadic tribesmen mastered the horse. Motivated by theft, these primitive cavalry targeted settled agrarian societies because their agricultural technology generated a coveted surplus of food. Conquest would inevitably be followed by assimilation into the target community. This all happened...*pheww*...AGES AGO PROBABLY!


War is bad, so try not to do it.