Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Psychopath Much?

The incorrigible fire topped news papers and supposedly more thoughtful broadsheets appear to have united in an interesting way this week. Pisses me off and I thought for a full 90 seconds about how I thought about and wanted to put this, which hurt my brain , but it goes something like this:

“That weird pervert murdered his children because he was on too many benefits”

The Telegraph, the fat twats that they are, constructed a better sentence and put it more subtly:

“The UK now has seven social classes, according to a BBC survey. At the bottom is what they call the “precariat” – the poor, precarious proletariat. Well, they need to come up with an eighth category for Mick Philpott”

The loveable Daily Mail put it more succinctly, less afraid of being seen as the fascist bastards that they are:

“Something has gone awry when skivers like Mick Philpott feel all-powerful and society cannot summon the moral will to say 'No. Enough.'”

Mick Philpott seems to me to have become the poster boy of what is wrong with the welfare state in the context of Osbourne's recent budget review. I'm not going to continue fucking newspaper quotes on here to back up my argument, you have the internet, or are alive and have seen the news, so have a look yourself. I'm going for more drink. It's meant to be a present and I shouldn't drink it or something but fuck it. Someone will back me up if it comes to it. Maybe we could set the house on fire and blame it on somebody else? No?

There are about 300,000 people on waiting lists for social housing. The BBC and ONS are telling me something stupid like 7.7% of the population is unemployed. My calculator tells me that that's about 5 million people. Probably can't be right. I've met many people who claim benefits, a lot of them skivers. Lazy, entitled mother fuckers who refuse to accept any responsibility for what they do or what happens to them. They tend to stand out because they piss you off the most. They've usually come from economically poor backgrounds, have been abused in one way or another well before the age of ten, use drugs and alcohol to excess in their early teens, 'come into contact with services' by their mid teens and end up being a 'problem' to services and society by the time they are reaching twenty. If this behaviour continues the boys are more likely to go to prison and the girls are more likely to end up in 'psychiatric care'. Lots of angry people. Not one of them has set their house on fire and 'accidentally' killed six children though.

I don't really give a flying fuck about the BBC's new class system or anything else. The three stratum model seems to works fine. Apparently I'm ' established middle class', which is really nice. Apparently I'm the second richest person in Britain and should invest in Fabergé Dildos.

I know sweet fuck all about economics and sociology but I know a psychopath when I see one. Your man Philpott is one. Any they don't need to be on benefits to be heinous. But to Philcott.

Glibness/ superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self worth
Parasitic lifestyle 
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Many short-term (marital) relationships
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

Poor behavioral control
Early behavior problems
Criminal versatility

Psychopathy is hardly scientific whatever Hare and his qaucks tell you. This man is a psychopath, not a product of some sort of coruppt society.  I prefer to call them cunts. Whatever classification system you use, mine or his, this is one though.

This man is a psychopath, not a product of some sort of 'too soft' society. He walks amongst you and you probably respect him. There are no good figures, but it might be as high as 1%, which is a lot. He's the one that seems to win and lords it over you and you're too afraid to challenge him, not because he's going to hurt you necessarily, but because he frightens you in some way. Most of them have found positions of power, be it some your boss, MP or doctor. They don't like to be uncomfortable, just like you, but often look for advantages you wouldn't. Stop being a coward. Get yourself some Machiavellian egocentricity going. It's very unlikely that he will set your house on fire.

No. Enough.