Monday, 30 April 2012


Ever hate someone so much that you could rip off their ears and choke them with them? Of course you have, you’re an animal. It’s as natural as being hungry or a bit sad. It’s not treated in nearly the same way by our society though. Fine enough is the passive aggressive accumulation of status and materials, the righteous lament pointed at BBC, Mail or whoever, the car. 

People might start thinking that you’re a bit mental if you start spouting off that you want to rip off this person’s arm or punch this one’s head until you’re through to carpet. It’s a natural response I imagine, who wants some nutter going off and rampaging about the place, running amok and fucking up all kinds of shit, after all? Not me. I like it nice and calm. You tell me that that guy at your work really annoys you because he’s always asking you to figure shit out for him and you want to slap him? Guess what, he’s your boss and that’s your fucking job.  I tell you what. The next time you complain about your boss, I’ll punch you in the neck as hard as I can. You’ll feel as if you’re being choked, you won’t be able to do much. Your hands will be on your throat and your subjective experience will be “I cannot breathe”.

This is when I will show you my pen. Plenty of people would love to get their hands on my pen. Prisons are a doddle nowadays as everyone knows. Gone are the days when long swords and bad language were allowed past the gates of our mighty correctional institutes.
My pen, yes. It goes through your fucking eye if you try it on. If you want to get all technical it goes here:

I'm a little guy, I can't afford to fuck about. Bear this in mind if you feel your 'temperature rising'. I might just fucking kill you on the spot.
As a wise old lady once told me “Feeling are neither good nor bad, they just are. It’s what you do with them that matters”.