Monday, 14 October 2019

Big and Clever

Long since it was last updated the dead blog gasped unexpectedly and clawed at the clay entombing it. Nothing to say with years of clod clogging its maw and no desire to clear it. Volition eroded and truly lacking meaning, want or speech. Short years all, changes within them sapping thought and energy.

Look back and see the corpses you have left of yourself.

(Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
‘he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles’)

The future is a week, it lasts no longer than that other than resetting and becoming the future anew each time. There aren't any jokes this time. It's a disappointment to me.

 (Excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over ones own troubles.
‘he seems to be wallowing in self-pity’
‘I'm feeling deeply ashamed for having given way to despair and self-pity’)

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